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A team of professionals specialized in installation and maintenance of electrical systems.

We ensure that the installation complies with all local and national regulations and standards related to electrical safety and construction.

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1131 W Allen St, Allentown

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Thank you for visiting us! At ElectroPower Solutions LLC, we’re here to assist you with all your electrical needs. Feel free to reach out to us for expert advice and quality services. We look forward to serving you soon!

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electrical emergency

What service is classified as an electrical emergency?

Emergency electrical services are those that involve serious problems related to electricity that require immediate attention to avoid risks to people’s safety or property damage.

Both short circuits and overloads can be dangerous as they can cause sparks, smoke, or fires, posing a risk to people’s safety and property. It’s important to address these issues immediately to prevent more serious consequences.

Both exposed and damaged electrical cables pose risks to electrical safety and should be taken seriously. It’s important to regularly inspect electrical cables for signs of damage or wear and take appropriate corrective measures to prevent electrical accidents.

The power supply failures that affect an entire building can have a series of consequences within the home or building, ranging from the interruption of basic services to safety issues

These events are warning signs of underlying electrical problems that must be addressed immediately. Ignoring these signs can be dangerous and increase the risk of fires, electric shocks, or property damage. It’s important to disconnect the affected equipment and call our qualified electricians to inspect and repair the issue safely.


1131 W Allen St, Allentown




Monday – Saturday
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM